

真的要把这一天记录下来, 三年的大学生活终于结束了, 结束了assignment, mid-term, final 的日子, 心里真的轻松很多.今天老师没有到考场来,有那么一刻希望可以再见到Dr David, 他真的是三年来遇到最好的老师,虽然做final year project的时候难免一直埋怨他,不过回想过去他真的教会了我不少东西,蛮怀念听他说废话的时候. 真的很谢谢他!还有陪伴了我3年的那两位, 虽然我们有时会不爽对方,欺负对方,开对方玩笑,不过大学有你们的陪伴,一起做assignment,一起讨论吃什么,几点去学校什么的,让这三年成为了平凡中的不平凡 :)

假期正式开始!到了2月再开始人生新的一页,真正出社会去体会, 希望到时可以学到从来没有学过的,遇到没有遇过的事情,给自己成长. 是时候长大了.

PS: 还没考完试的,继续努力加油!不要放弃 :)



11月,我最喜欢的月份,为什么过得那么快?记忆还停留在生日那一天,但其实也已经过了3个星期... 这个月发生很多事,最重要的我的thesis 终于完成了,回想起过去的6个月,我应该奖励下自己...还有等到了等了很久的机会,结果是怎样就不去想了,下个星期自然就会知道,但很开心得到那样的经验 :) 也来到了我最不想面对的时候...剩下最后的两科考试,一个个人presentation, 我的大学就这样平平淡淡的结束了...看见很多同学都对大学上课的最后一天感到不舍,纷纷拍照留念,但是我就没有那样, 或许那时压力已经把这种不舍的心情给掩盖过了吧...很久没有更新了,也因为它的回归,我不得不来打字宣泄一下. 最后的两科,理应很有动力去准备,毕竟不知道以后还会不会再有机会进考场. 反之,我真的很不想去面对接下来的2个星期,时间可不可以停留下来?




珍惜眼前人, 今年第二次对自己说
这一年到底是怎么了? 不如意的事情接二连三得发生.



What a stupid action, ruined up everything. Tried to pretend nothing and be generous, ended up lead to a situation who everyone never hope to face. 
All is fault of the idiot,
she is such an idiot.



Finally, one month holiday came to the end. Went back to school on yesterday, the routine, the uni, the people, and the works. Tones of works are waiting for me to complete and yea, the last semester in my university life. I have no idea how I passed through all the obstacles on the past 2 and half year, done with total of 28 subjects, should give myself a "thumb up" right...haha, and now left two core subjects and thesis, the most torturing thesis. Till now, I'm now scratching my head and keep amending on my Chapter 2, I can't imagine whether I can finish all the chapters on time, but I will just try my best to do it. Most importantly, hope you can treat me and guide me well dr! :) and cheers! To the upcoming 14 weeks. Hope I can learn a lot of things and gain some fresh experience through this semester.

By the way, spent my one month holiday to the max and enjoy it so much! One day trip with the gang and my boyfriend. It was so glad to spend the holiday with him, since he was having his semester break on last month as well :) Met him more than one time in a week, for us who lives so far with each other, everytime we met each other is just like a bonus. Besides, I can graduate with him on the same time (the end of December) too although we are from different uni. *simple happiness* :)

Recently have been addicted to do some online shopping especially for some skin care products as it's relatively cheaper than the price we get from those shops like watson, guardian bla bla bla. And, it's normally just take 2 working days to receive my parcel, super high efficiency ! I fall in love to the feeling of receive and sign for the parcel from postman and unpacking the parcel :D LOL super weird right, haha. Plus, we can read all the feedback through the website and get the opportunity to know about the usefulness of the products. So, a lot of advantages can obtain from doing online shopping, but have to find a reliable online shop larh.

Finished my non-sense updated and now back to the hug of thesis -.-



Thanks for purposely write this just to encourage me not be defeated by the worst thing
Maybe just like what he said, everything is happened for some reasons
I should not give up just because of that little tiny mistakes
Outcome is not the most important 
I have learned more things from it
This is life
I should stand up and keep moving :)
nothing can beat me down right
Happy one month holiday :)
Fight for the graduation project

Thanks for always stand by my side no matter how bad am I






记住一句话 : " 越努力,越幸运"





From: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s__biz=MzA3MjQ1NjQxMA%3D%3D&mid=200418621&idx=2&sn=f6b40548f1ea7b4fd94096ef2a9e5446&scene=2&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#rd

我需要每天提醒自己这9句话...一次的失落,不代表一切...其实这只是开始, 是成长的开始...我是时候醒悟了,东西只会变得越来越难,而自己却不可以停滞不前...不然怎样去迎接新的挑战?努力的成果,被误解成敷衍了事...是很失望,失望到差点在他面前哭出来 =.= 这段期间会很难过,很辛苦,可能觉得自己什么都不是,但是我一定要坚持下去...告诉自己还有半年,半年而已,很快的...或许老师说的每一句都有他的道理,他在引导我去进步,去成长,我应该珍惜 :) 碰钉子的机会陆续有来,要做好心理准备..."你受的苦,将照亮你的路" 



Struggling till this moment, from the morning until the midnight...non-stop..finally done the whole chapter, ready to meet the supervisor on this Thursday but how is my work? not really know what I have done, sometimes word just can't describe the real thought of mine...fault of the poor english...I hope I can do all the things by myself and try to not seeking help from others. I hope I can do that..in one day :)

they..study together, discuss together, work together, struggle together, complained with each other, help on each other, meet everday...what is "they"?



还是不习惯没有他每晚陪着我,开着skype, 各自努力完成自己的功课...
远距离, 也不是很远,但怎样都不方便每天见,所以那样是我们最好的维持方式 :) 

haiz, 又是另一个忙报告的夜晚 :(



keep worrying him on these few days, can't even concentrate on everything...the assignments, the thesis, the quiz...keeping my eyes on those stuffs, my brain keep blanking, totally can't think anything...
hope everything will be alright...
till this moment, I realize that he is really so important to me...
please be strong and fast recover...
a lot of things are waiting for us ..ily



I miss holiday
I want to escape from the reality and back to the vacation
The relax and joyful moment; sensation.
Starting feel the power of pressure is overwhelming around me
strongly and without any prior notification
 I know I shouldn't put myself into an "always" tension mood.
sometimes, expectation too high will only bring the adverse consequences.
I know I should release myself and enjoy the last two semesters in my life of University
I will try 
Chase back the moments and things that I should do start from now :)
by the way, I still very nervous and curious and looking forward to who is the person that will become my supervisor, oh supervisor ....treat me well and guide me more please. kthxbye :)

Lack of topics, I think it is depending on whether we have tried to start a conversation
but if it's just keep depending on one side to strive for it, it is useless.
The another side also need to give some responds.
Already tired of paying so much efforts on it.
No matter how i ever treasure it, it's still the same. What is the point I continue to do that?
Is the time to stop doing it :)




有点小失望不过开心就好 :)



 经过这两天的自我思考,一些问题都想开了 :) 不用去执著些什么,最后留下来的,就是真正属于你的,要走的,就让它走,如果它真的是你的,最后它还是会回来! 心情终于豁然开朗了:)
这两天,不但只领悟到这个,还有我超级想念我们的Redang之旅!和他们去旅行真的很开心,希望还有机会可以和他们一起去第三次的旅行吧 :) 这次的旅程,有很多很多的欢乐...难忘的玄武游戏,难忘的7抽6白金lol, 超级贵的Orchado, 一杯的价钱可以媲美星巴克了 =.=, 第一次的浮潜,原来海底世界是那样的,第一次感受到,也喝了很多海水,当然真的很感谢他们三个无论怎样都很照顾我,因为我不会游泳 ...不知道为什么,看到海底一群鱼来的时候,很白痴的我真的怕死了==,他们说的很对,胆是靠自己练出来的,为什么会那么小胆叻...
真的觉得自己在那两天很碍手碍脚的,哈哈,在那时候暗地里就决定了有生之年一定要学会游泳...希望有一天可以不需要其它人的带领,可以自己在海里游来游去 lol... 
还有还有,难忘的520 :) 这一次,我们很幸运可以在其他的地方一起度过这一天...第2个纪念日, 虽然那一天我们没有特别的庆祝,但是可以一起过就很足够了  :) 谢谢他一直都在身边 (;

我们的行李 lol, 上机前意思意思拍下.. 

Definitely will go again ! Redang Pelangi Resort

这是当天拍摄而我最喜欢的一张 :)

出海前,Let us take a selfie hahahaxD

我亲爱的好好朋友..lol haha 谢谢她举办了这次的旅行 :)

 话说这次是我们4个的第二次旅行 (: weeeee

快得措手不及 lol...下一个假期就要等多2个月了...
下一次,毕业报告要开始了 ...



当P不再是P...我们不再是以前的我们...当那fb group 已经布满了灰尘...
曾几何时,我们一起组成了P, 至于在什么情况下组成,真的记不起来了...
但是脑袋里依然清晰得记得,当时的我们是如何一起出去玩,一起去吃东西,一起讲真心话,一起在空闲的时候玩一些白痴但好玩的小游戏, 一起搭车去打羽球, 一起去旅行...
回想起来,其实我们一起做过的事还真不少...直到现在的我们,各分东西后的我们,一年都不知道有没有机会见面一次,见面了也不知道可以说些什么...不知道为什么,最近的我竟然感觉到有种陌生尴尬的感觉...是太久没有见面了吗?还是大家已经改变了...很多人说,当你对一个人越来越礼貌的时候,证明你们已经越走越远了...那种感觉,不知道怎么形容...好像一种曾经对你非常重要的东西,突然好像要消失了的感觉, 心里真的不是滋味...不是在现在的学校认识不到知心朋友,有时自己的心里真的把那个位置留给了他们,那个无法被其他人取代的位置...可是现在可以为了举办一个小小的活动,弄到大家失望不开心,甚至可以沉默不出声...看在眼里,失望伤心在心里...有时突如其来的问候电话,是窝心的,但是慢慢得,却多了份尴尬的感觉,竟然对着曾经熟到不行的他,不知道可以说些什么,回应些什么,只可以用尴尬的笑声回应...问起最近怎样,有什么心事吗..心事其实经常都有,有时还有感叹现在的大学没有一个可以倾诉的对象,多么希望他们在...但当他们真的问起,都不知道可以从何说起,甚至都不想说了...以前的我们,应该很难回去了...但是真的希望可以找回大家对大家的感觉...
好久不见 :)
‘不再去說從前 只是寒喧 對你說一句
只是說一句 好久不見“




您好,久违的假期!忙碌的学期终于结束了,可以暂时休息了,3个星期后再继续努力 :) 当然,今天是非常重要的一天,母亲节快乐. 昨晚和家人一起出去吃晚餐,来个简单的庆祝 ...一样,久违的家庭聚餐,自团圆饭之后,昨天是难得全家人可以一起出去吃晚餐,晚餐之后还可以一起去吃甜品, 昨天晚上真的觉得很幸福,很开心 :) 一直以来都很羡慕其他的朋友,可以每天和家人一起吃晚餐,一起出去玩什么的,但是我的家就比较少了..可能哥哥们都很大了,忙工作的关系,所以可以一起全家出去的机会真的很少,所以每次我都会特别特别的珍惜 :) 当然重点是母亲节,我只可以说,很幸运有一位那么宠我爱我迁就我的妈妈...从小到大有什么事情都会帮我准备好,把我宠得像个公主那样 @@ 但全世界应该也只有妈妈是最了解,最能迁就我的了...有时会很内疚,越大就越少时间和妈妈一起相处,每天`晚上都躲在房间里读书,功课,上网什么的...这三个星期真的要好好陪她,帮她分担家里的事情 :) 母亲节快乐 <3 

The fifth trip :) 
在等待,一天又一天,一年又一年得把那本相簿填满 ...
还有9天, 就会开启新的一页,简简单单又一年了 :)



Finally passed through the tough and exhausted mid-term week and here comes to my few days so called "holiday" :)) although it's just few days for me to rest but I will try to fully utilize it to the max as next week is the another week to start rushing for the assignmentsssss :( by the way, been spent a very nice day with my boyfriend yesterday :) first time drive to kl and he spent the whole day to accompany me shop around the area... It's been very long time I didn't hang out with him since he starting his internship ...however, thanks for everything :) Also, went to matta fair on last Friday with my mom and Jie Ying ! Nice but super tired day since we go there by KTM and had to walk through a super long journey :/ went there try to find some good deal for our trip and now our trip is already planned  ;) looking forward to the second trip of four of us , and such a coincidence there are two special day during our trip hoho !hope this trip will be the one of the memorable present for us..        

The last week..



There's been long time did't have such feeling..
feels so stress on this semester, is it because of the reason that we already step into third year ? 
the exam is just left few days but I seem like prepare for nothing?
first time have such lost feeling...especially for account subject..
I'm not hate account subject actually, just don't like=.= , but this time, company accounting totally make me feel like wanna to burn all of those exercise ! I have no idea what is it really talking about and is it the problem we didn't pay attention in the class? =.= others just saying memorize it then should be okay but is account is the subject that use to memorize like history? I really don't like the way to prepare it for exam. sssssigh!! good luck to me barh 
please I need some rest :( 



one week time, I'm going to start my school ...It's always the worst moments in the world when approaching school opening day== well, still the same, I'd always try my best to go through all the tough challenges...perhaps hahaha...talk is always easier than really take into action...but I have to...
nothing much to post, but just read miss Lim's blog and recall all the fun moments I had with my beloved besties during our countdown celebration..and those pics just make me miss them so so much...It's not always have the chances to meet them unless our gang have any birthday celebration...and this year all of us are turning 21 years old, more celebrations will do? looking forward our next catch up moment!

Hahaha, can't stop laughing while looking back these series of photos we have taken, so-called " act queen" which taught by our lovely mom, XD only we know what we are doing @@ kinda weird but fun especially while we're nothing to do and waiting for our next plan to move on...apparently, all of us were epic failed except mama, she is so pro in posing those posture, I have no idea why? xD #imissthemsomuch...See you all in coming CNY!



堕落,足以用来形容我这几个星期的生活,除了忙回学校准备one day camp让自己感觉到还有做一些比较有意义的事情之外,其余的时间都是在无所事事的情况下度过..或许这就是我惯性以来度过假期的奢侈方式@@很难想象多一个星期就开学,然后我又怎么能重新投入那忙碌的生活当中?时间就是快得让人措手不及,还有一年,就完成degree了...毕业之后的生活会是如何,想都不敢想...话说这三个月我会好好珍惜,从来没有想过会有那样的机会:)

说好的小说,拼图,烘培呢?我承认我很懒 @@尤其是身体的亮红灯,给了自己更有说服力的借口==还有,新年假期就可以多少少吗==