

" 一直以来,对圣诞节没有什么期待,但是不知道为什么,今年特别的期待。还特地下载了apps来倒数. 或许是有点想念去年的圣诞吧 :) 今年的圣诞又会是怎样过呢?" 话说距离休息的日子不远了,倒数9天!这个短学期还过得比想象中还要快...快到要窒息了 ..LOL




well, someone told me he had a premonition that I will update my blog soon -.- lol... so here I'm ...but honestly not intend to update any blog before final exam, but stress is pushing me to here, again...
As what I mentioned just now, my final exam is just around the corner, but yet, I still didn't have any study mood, so how? sometimes, I really need somebody to let me blow off a while, but seem like there have not the suitable person there...even though some school stuff i need somebody to discuss with me...but...
Btw, don't know why there are lot of people was sicked recently, my friends, even my families...do take care since the weather is not that good and keep raining these few days...

For those who are having or preparing exam now, don't be stressed and give yourself some space to release and everything will be all right...good luck :)
