

Thanks for purposely write this just to encourage me not be defeated by the worst thing
Maybe just like what he said, everything is happened for some reasons
I should not give up just because of that little tiny mistakes
Outcome is not the most important 
I have learned more things from it
This is life
I should stand up and keep moving :)
nothing can beat me down right
Happy one month holiday :)
Fight for the graduation project

Thanks for always stand by my side no matter how bad am I






记住一句话 : " 越努力,越幸运"





From: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s__biz=MzA3MjQ1NjQxMA%3D%3D&mid=200418621&idx=2&sn=f6b40548f1ea7b4fd94096ef2a9e5446&scene=2&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#rd

我需要每天提醒自己这9句话...一次的失落,不代表一切...其实这只是开始, 是成长的开始...我是时候醒悟了,东西只会变得越来越难,而自己却不可以停滞不前...不然怎样去迎接新的挑战?努力的成果,被误解成敷衍了事...是很失望,失望到差点在他面前哭出来 =.= 这段期间会很难过,很辛苦,可能觉得自己什么都不是,但是我一定要坚持下去...告诉自己还有半年,半年而已,很快的...或许老师说的每一句都有他的道理,他在引导我去进步,去成长,我应该珍惜 :) 碰钉子的机会陆续有来,要做好心理准备..."你受的苦,将照亮你的路" 



Struggling till this moment, from the morning until the midnight...non-stop..finally done the whole chapter, ready to meet the supervisor on this Thursday but how is my work? not really know what I have done, sometimes word just can't describe the real thought of mine...fault of the poor english...I hope I can do all the things by myself and try to not seeking help from others. I hope I can do that..in one day :)

they..study together, discuss together, work together, struggle together, complained with each other, help on each other, meet everday...what is "they"?