

one week time, I'm going to start my school ...It's always the worst moments in the world when approaching school opening day== well, still the same, I'd always try my best to go through all the tough challenges...perhaps hahaha...talk is always easier than really take into action...but I have to...
nothing much to post, but just read miss Lim's blog and recall all the fun moments I had with my beloved besties during our countdown celebration..and those pics just make me miss them so so much...It's not always have the chances to meet them unless our gang have any birthday celebration...and this year all of us are turning 21 years old, more celebrations will do? looking forward our next catch up moment!

Hahaha, can't stop laughing while looking back these series of photos we have taken, so-called " act queen" which taught by our lovely mom, XD only we know what we are doing @@ kinda weird but fun especially while we're nothing to do and waiting for our next plan to move on...apparently, all of us were epic failed except mama, she is so pro in posing those posture, I have no idea why? xD #imissthemsomuch...See you all in coming CNY!



堕落,足以用来形容我这几个星期的生活,除了忙回学校准备one day camp让自己感觉到还有做一些比较有意义的事情之外,其余的时间都是在无所事事的情况下度过..或许这就是我惯性以来度过假期的奢侈方式@@很难想象多一个星期就开学,然后我又怎么能重新投入那忙碌的生活当中?时间就是快得让人措手不及,还有一年,就完成degree了...毕业之后的生活会是如何,想都不敢想...话说这三个月我会好好珍惜,从来没有想过会有那样的机会:)

说好的小说,拼图,烘培呢?我承认我很懒 @@尤其是身体的亮红灯,给了自己更有说服力的借口==还有,新年假期就可以多少少吗==