my goodness why those questions keep popping up in my brain...can it just stop and let my mind feel a lil peace and release now?alright, just let it go and move on...will know it soon!
assignments is so torturing! stress is in the air... i can foresee how my life gonna be after this week ...assignment assignment and assignment ...can just give me a break? others is having holiday now, but my raya break seem like not a break, it is just no need go uni and still, have to rush and study everything in the house! late sleep everyday and should reset my sleeping time after Thursday...abnormal for me...
but there is one thing that can let me feel little bit happy and motivated now...
Morib with my frenz this Saturday and Sunday..
hmm, should cherish the only chance that can let me rest....for a while
人总是那么不容易被满足 =.=
one little tiny action can make a person feel so bad..even though it is a super duper small matter!
" Just because you don't tell me, doesn't mean I won't find out" quotes.
Good Luck, one subject left !