

20.12.2012!what a nice and special date today for all of us! especially us...happy 7th monthsary =)

哈哈,我的快乐假期又开始了!距离上一次的假期好像才那么两个月,很快下,又是时候放1个月的假期了...Short Semester 就是有那么的好处 =))) 考试也就那么快的考完了... 至于考到如何,之后才来担心吧...现在就只有玩罢了...

这两天都和他们出去了 =DD meet了好久没见的shaocing和sheauhui!...看了 Life Of Pi这部电影...真的不错看...虽然看完了也不是很明故事在表达些什么...但看了Fb的简介后才知道...原来第二个故事才是真实的!真的有shock到啦...事实可能就是那么的残酷... >< 有机会真的要重看一次 =)

明天就是所谓的世界末日><据说天空会黑暗一整天?lol...不知道有没有那么的一回事...或许明天就知道了...这不重要吧...我只知道明天是冬至!!又有汤圆吃了!和最爱的家人一起过,是最幸福的=)还得去2nd HPV Injection...竟然有紧张的感觉...虽然是第2次... 当然,还有回学校拿One M'sia Card...去I City 会有10% discount 啦=DDD这是重点=)))


just few days larh...
I Love my home seriously!!..hahha

by the way, happy holiday and happy trip <3 will be a nice memory....perhaps? =)

Seriously, I wanna save money !!gotta control myself already =(




又是开始忙碌准备考试的时候了...还有2个星期就可以放假了...这应该是现在可以推动我读书的动力之一吧...hahaha xD...加油吧各位... =)
不知道为什么最近真的蛮多part time job 啦...而且条件很吸引人一下...但可惜的是全部都是在我们考试前几天=.=很浪费咯...假期需要工作时又很难找到...现在不需要的时候又很多给我们选择..timing真的很不对!
算了吧 ><

2nd =)



有些事情习惯就是习惯了,不是一时间要改变就改变的了...需要时间.... =)

最近的日子还真的蛮无聊,也开始堕落起来了...就说不可以让自己那么的悠闲,今天还因为mkt lecturer canceled 了就和他们去Sungei Wang唱歌!未免也太放纵自己了吧...算了,刚考完试还是不要让自己那么快又进回压力的怀抱...lol 讲真,有时身边有可以互相鼓励,push对方读书的朋友还真的很不错下,虽然我们现在不同学校了,但还可以一起准备考试,一起讨论下要如何准备之类的...真的很好!希望可以keep着那样吧朋友!哈哈...我还真的很想念我们同校同班的日子呢><
four person for this.....no salt!haha

大学一起疯的朋友 ><lol
很多人说中学的朋友是你永远的朋友,真的是那样吗?其实我也觉得是啦...之前听一位朋友讲大学还蛮难交到知心的朋友....为什么会那样叻?所以还蛮庆幸上了大学还有可以一起谈天,一起读书,一起颠的朋友和自己同校...有时没课的时候还可以约在学校一起聊下天,plan下几时有遇到一起假期的时候出去玩!那种感觉真好 =)lol...1月的旅行是没有了的啦,但I City 是一定要去了的!还有5月!拜托不要再取消啦=DD不然假期真的会过得很没有意思...

时间真的过到很快很快!话说2012就快结束了,还有那么一个月...至于所谓的世界末日,还真的不知道有没有那么的一回事=.=我只知道我还有很多事情还没有去做,但怎么办,我就是那么地懒,宁愿每天开着fb在那边scoll down scoll up...很浪费时间有没有=.= 不可以再那么懒了啦...

其实有时候我应该知足...不要要求那么多 =DDD



Mid Term Exam was over =D really stress for two weeks already, just for this exam >< just hope can get a satisfy results on it...!! well, it is the time to rest...but just for a while! the Final Exam is coming around! within four weeks only...gosh...short semester is pass so fast... =.=''jia youu barh =)

Went to Publika had my lunch with my beloved after exam =D Ben's! pasta there really not bad to try...next time will be tried for "Fatboy"! haha...

okay, my dog was sick...really so worry about it yesterday...
feel myself is not a responsible master...
felt sorry to it so much!...haiz...
hope it will recover soon...

我无所谓,你冷若冰,淡若水.... xDD

You know, every moment that I spent with you is unforgettable and sweet=)
Thanks...you made my day today <3
Just take a good rest ^^



hahaha...had a super nice day today! went to One U after lecturer for having our lunch at TGI Fridays.. =D 50% discount for all meal today..what an attracting deal for us...so luckily that saw the ads via fb yesterday!4 persons just spent 70++ bugs at there...so worth larh. xD so when is our next time? haha...of course, enjoy the moment when discussing our semester break's trip! hope it will be fun =D

Really no idea on MC 100! what is it talking about? suckssss......who can help us!!haizz

我愛上讓我奮不顧身的一個人 我以為這就是我所追求的世界
然而橫衝直撞 被誤解被騙 是否成人的世界背後 總有殘缺
我走在每天必須面對的分岔路 我懷念過去單純美好的小幸福
愛總是讓人哭 讓人覺得不滿足 天空很大卻看不清楚 好孤独
天黑的時候 我又想起那首歌 突然期待 下起安靜的雨
原來外婆道理 早就唱給我聽 下起雨 也要勇敢前進
我相信一切都會平息 我現在 好想回家去
天黑黑 欲落雨 天黑黑 黑黑

Waiting, waiting and waiting...what is me waiting for?don't waste your valuable time larh JingWen Phua><



爱一直存在 =)

I care someone who really means a lot to me...
No matter how...
won't easily give up...promise...
Yea, tomorrow will be a nice day to me...
Good Luck world...=DD



having one weeks semester break! so fast, tomorrow need to start school already >< and next Saturday is the mid-term test! two subject gather together really a big challenge for us... god bless us please! short semester really not easy to adapt...although just two subjects i have taken on it...but really quite big pressure for me...anyway, just try to survive on it..

yesterday went to Puchong attend cousin's wedding dinner...the most happy was finally I could met my Aunty...chat a lot of things with her yesterday...maybe she is right...don't put so many effort on something or someone...maybe you will get hurt eventually... what she was told me yesterday, I have kept thinking about that the whole morning...maybe..is the time to make something change to myself...indeed...just good luck to myself...

of course, spent a nice day with him yesterday... Thanks everything for yesterday =)

也许是自己太过以为罢了... =)



Okie, Happy Birthday to myself again =D haha...had a very nice and enjoyable day with my best friends and boyfriend today!!

First, had lunch with tzeyang at One Utama...hehe :) Thanks a lot for the present and the lunch! I really love it so much larh ... cherish the moment that we gone along <3...

Next, dinner with them!! although the restaurant was not easy to find what>< but La Zurich really a not bad restaurant ...can has the second try on it  =D but ytd can't try for the chocolate steamboat as so many people there..haiz...just can wait for next time=( so, we went to UFO as our dessert again...
everyone wear damn formal that day! haha...if dunno, i really think that we are going to attend XXX friends wedding party larh...but we just go Manjalara having our dinner..lol ..haha..and take a lot of photo of course... how long time we didn't gather together like yesterday?...hope that we can gather again soon! enjoy the moment spent with them...

Jying Lim!

lol...funny pic what =S

three YI again! still can remember how we recognize at junior middle 3! hehe


Liannnn =D

Group picc=D
Lastly, Thanks for all of urs present ! Like it =D



有时,身边有你们这班朋友真好.... (=
以后有什么事,也要那样... ^^
最重要....坦白 :)))

let add oil together for our assignment!




不要因为情绪而做自己会后悔会难过的事 =)

只對有安全感的人發脾氣,因為在那個安全度內,潜意识知道ta不會離開你,胡闹是一種依賴 (;
Sweet <3

such little tiny decision also can't make faster...hate myself so much!!want or don't want?



Really first time of such experience i had...Today really not my day )=
between, a good lesson for me...



finally, had my first Marketing lecturer class this morning =D  quite interesting class today...the lecturer is fun and active in her teaching =) the point is I did't feel sleepy when having my class..hahaha...so far so good! feel like have deeply interest in Marketing already >< but i won't choose this as my major larh...i know i 'm not suitable on it...=D so, how about MC? just looking forward to the first class..maybe Saturday got replacement class for it as Friday is public holiday! god >< don't want go for class at Saturday please ..zzz

summore, today went to main block asked about our salary of the part-time job...i seriously don't understand..why every time hvt hvt and hvt? really low efficiency ever>< few months passed already still can't give us...!!can settle it as soon as possible ??=.=''

am facing problems in choosing which course i can choose as my major in my year 2? Accounting or Finance? haizz...Accounting look like kinda boring course for me...but study this at least can get a job in the future? >< anyway, after asked for the detail about those course from Jennifer, got little bit clear that what i will choose already! um, i think i will still keep choosing Finance as what have i chosen from the start =) ya, CFA or MAICSA look like not bad for me to choose after my degree course...haha...however, just work hard in this new semester =D hope i can persist in my plan start from now...gonna to encourage myself everyday!
this Wednesday! haha =)

 TED ! after watched its trailer, feel not bad larh <3 really cute movie!

一定不会轻易说放弃 (:

Miss the time deeply =D



boring, boring and boring...what a meaningless life i have recently! haha...anyway, my holiday is like that one>.< okay, just continue spent the rest of my holiday with this kind of meaningless and boring way....and next Monday! gonna start my beloved Semester 3 already! =.='' treat me good in this semester please...i don't want stress as last semester...=( too bad!
well, results are expected out these few days...nervous! hope won't so bad to me...as i really try my best in this exam....god bless me larh!

的确, 是时候要不断逼自己去坚强,成长.

大学,真的不怎么样 >.<



我現在過的很好 不為什麽苦惱
日子像優游的水草 也不怕回憶驚擾
過去多在意的 事過境遷了隨風飄

誰等在我的昨天 左右不了明天
愛過幾年 緣分總是少一天

一個人 一輩子 一次幸福難不難
每次想走的很遠 越渴望越無力向前
如果那麽愛你最後還要失去你 為你傷心
可能 我會寧願不去冒險

一句話 一輩子 一次幸福難不難
聽過多少永遠 只懷念擁抱你的瞬間
如果遺失的夢還能再找回來 我會勇敢
可是選擇離開 就別遺憾

誰等在我的昨天 左右不了明天
愛過幾年 緣分總是少一天

一個人 一輩子 一次幸福難不難
每次想走的很遠 越渴望越無力向前
如果那麽愛你最後還要失去你 為你傷心
可能 我會寧願不去冒險

一句話 一輩子 一次幸福難不難
聽過多少永遠 只懷念擁抱你的瞬間
如果遺失的夢還能再找回來 我會勇敢
可是選擇離開 就別遺憾

一轉身 一輩子 一次幸福難不難
當時說了再見 再見面時空都已蛻變
如果遺失的夢還能再找回來 我會勇敢
可是選擇離開 就別遺憾

放開一切才能 握住你的手




umm, just simply have a quite short update for my blog...ya, had a lot of fun for last two weeks..haha =)
first time having ice skating with my friends at Sunway Pyramid...really a good tried for all of us...and fortunately i didn't fall down that day..haha >.< i think i gonna have the second try for it ...fun larh <3 looking forward to the next time....
of course, last week went to Sungai Long for climbing Broga Hill...hahaha...actually no climb larh..lol
all of us had a crazy and incredible time at there...sang non-stop up there...maybe others would thought that were all of us madding? haha..anyway, and celebrated birthday of jying lim =D hope she would liked our presents for her =) and the night we overnight at Hooi Ching hostel! having mamak stall at the midnight...how long time i did not try to sleep at 4am! i think the previous time before that is just my Genting trip...my god...so tired and just slept one and half hours only =.= okay, I really hate those song from HC's phone..annoying! haha >< lastly, really has to thanks a lot to hooiching la...she really done a lot of things on the two days...she must be damn tired...
BBQ of the dayyy x)

somemore, dating with him too (:
um, really cherish the time with him larh..as we really just can meet with each other few times in a month...

and! paid hard on learning drive car recently =) 
another challenge for me..hope i can drive to uni myself as soon as possible!
"revenge" a pretty nice drama! watch non-stop these few days...haha...

the most important is, can improve my poor english as well...perhaps!
当然,如果有那么一个人,真的满幸运的... :)

haha..stitch really sooo cutee larh =)



hahaha...just say hiii to my sem break :DD 28 days holiday is starting from now ! so happy...
just now had a nice dinner with them! Block Restaurant...the chop there really nice la..have to go there again next time..
okay, gonna to spent my break as fun as i cann ^^ really fast, the scary sem 2 is over and i need not to face law, itc bla bla bla again ! such a good news for me larh...
looking forward to Friday! can meet my lovely bff again ...especially hooiching and liann...really long time no see.miss them damn much! i will cherish the time with them =) and jieying lim, waiting for her next Friday larh..Broga Hill!!of course and shaocing too...she will come back this Sunday ..hahaxx..okay, pecking can gather together <333
summore, will find some part time job to do...really lack of money =.='' anddd do something meaningful activities larh..planning to do volunteer with them this holidays..XD umm, damn much things can do..;) just try to make my holiday become more fulfilling and meaningful^^

miss the time  ....it was awesome ;)
unforgotten memoryyy

三个愿望..an old song..so niceee <3



还有3个星期就final了,我的Semester2就那样,快结束了 : ) 还有一个semester就完成year one 了,还蛮快的...好吧,就让自己在这个学期的最后一个阶段作最后的冲刺...之后才好好休息吧=)

like this picture so muchhh :)
have a nice trip with them^_^

是时候做出合适的改变... =D

Promise myself, smile more, learn more, try more!
get all the sorrow , tears and sad things away from my LIFE!=DD
I just wanna a simple happy life...not the complicated please...=)

Alright! Happy 100 days <3... :)



okay! it is the time start for my one week holiday : D hahax! well, having a nice day with my family today XDD
really is the first time sing k with my lovely family larh...=) although tired but really had fun on it! quiet funny and unforgettable experience! am looking forward the next time...hehe
having "lemang"  and curry chicken as my dinner just now...taste not bad larh..really long time didn't try it already...between, Selamat Hari Raya..haha..>.<
umm, the mid term results had came out last week, although worst than Semester one, but already good for me...the most important is I had tried my best on it..=))So, final! let pay more and more effort on it larh..
Next Wednesday will be our Malacca trip!gonna to play as fun as us can =DDD and the most important is...Nadeje! how long is we looking forward to it huh?must try larh!

yesterday really not a very good day..sry for making u worry=(
but nvm larh...it had past!=)and dun made yourself so nervous larh...everything will be okay=DD
and i will be there for u^^no worry!so now just enjoy the last week holiday of you!


When my car will come out!am waiting for it for a thousand years already!>.<
if not i really dunno how to drive a car  already...

Drenched..by 曲婉婷
really nice song...heard from ccl's car!damn got feel on it <3



Best Friend Forever...10年后请一起戴出来吧..lol..XD

几时才可以再那么齐人呢?=DD BFF!

Pecking forever=))


永远不会忘记以前我们一起搭U11,一起讲废话,一起带食物来学校吃的日子啦^^will miss you!

okay, looking forward to our trip at the following holiday! although it just one week break, 
but just play as much as we can before final exam larhh XDDDD
after the mid-term exam, all my stress gone away!
but it was not the end, it is just the start!
i dunno whether i can handle my study as well anot...
but, i will try my best to do it...
really can't give myself full of stress, it really unuseful for me=DDD 

                                                    okay larh, i will eat less that "plastic" food...just one months one time barh^^haha                                         



okay,just like blogging suddely! today finished two subject!feel more release after it!and one more to go on Friday^^hehe=))
after Friday just can give myself rest one day!still have to rush for assignment>.<good luck to our ITC group assignment!!and badminton this Sunday!hehe
this Saturday is the farewell gathering for those friends who are going to Singapore further their study soon!
okay, i will cherish the last chance meet them! erm, maybe nt the last chance larh=)hehe..especially shaocing teoh! will miss u gal!although really less chat with her recently, but she really is a nice friends to me ever!

hehe..thanks for the picture=)
love it so much  larh^^
am waiting for the surprise.....>.<
lol.. tried skype just now! haha..quite funny larh=)
btw...add oil everyone who r having the exam now!
planning to have a trip on August!please, holiday fast fast come=DDDDDDDD



finally and finally! I had finished my econ assignment! my god, it really made me felt so stress this few weeks..no matter it is true anot..really didn't has the time to think about it...>.<how many marks i can get from it??haiz..just put it away and pass up tomorrow barh!
Acc test >.<what a hardest subject!!okay, let it pass barh..need do well in final already!
now is the time to prepare my mid term exam!I have to pay more effort on it as it's really important...
just hope i can handle it as well...=) add oil to myself!

okay, it also is the time to made myself not to think so much about that...
It wad useless for me for keep thinking about it...
sometimes, keep thinking something just will made the things become worst!
anywhere,just..let it be=))


suddenly received your call..really got surprise dao...
between..tomorrow is the special day again=) 



这几天真的超累,读读下书都会想睡觉...omg,真的没有时间了=( 要加油啊!!
我可以怎么办呢?semester 2真的一点也不好读,我真的很怕自己会handle不来...

we really crazy for each other..haha
anyway , just focus on ur exam okay?918 dear=D



assignment assignment!明天真的真的要开始了...不然都不知道几时可以完成=(
多几个星期又要mid-term了..omg, 超多事情挤在这一个月,是时候让自己忙一下了...
希望明天会是一个新尝试...i will remember what you said, just try try try =)

不可以那样了,   是时候作出一些改变...

Gathering last Saturday=)))so hapi v meet again!



最近的生活好像满无聊的,几乎每天都nothing do..>.<okay,真的不可以再那样,每天过着无所事事的日子了...是时候要开始我们的study group了..我真的不知道itc在讲些什么=.=每次那样来skip itc class 到底好不好叻?haha...O.o.

10 years frezzz..haha..luckily we met again!!


okay, HELP gang..haha...however, this year v really become more close already...lol..although always zat by them=.=but really have fun with them larh=DD

haha...same primary, high school and university! XD


不知道为什么, 最近我真的迷上了“暖心”这首歌...几乎每天都在听..歌词满有意思的=DD sweet=)

hey guy,  really thanks a lot larh.
and dun simply say yourself "forever alone" larh..haha
i believe u can find ur "her" soon!=D

yesterday have a nice day with you again..haha
and sorry larh.. lead wrong the road...
and the password..i will give u d..hahaha
just wait the right timing come barh<3
one months already, hope that v can have a lof of one months=)forever<3




Haha..Happy Father's Day ya^^I really love my father so so much!He is the best man in my heart^^Thank you daddy!
Okay, having a super happy gathering with my best friends yesterday! lol, how long i didn't gather with 5 of them already?haha...yesterday really memorable, hope we can gather again before shaocing teoh leave M'sia! =D
V R 3 YI..lol^^

She will leave M'sia soon..sad=(

Have a damn nice moment with them =DDDDDDD
omg, wad my econ assignment asking about? I really dun understand about it...haizzz..gonna discuss with my group members already!!
okay barh, add oil, everybody =D



Semester 2 has been started for two weeks already..er..i did my best to regain the study mood^^ok barh, this semester really quite hard to cope with it... i have stands ready for every challenge...add oil for myself and my frezs^^we fight for it together larh..haha
first assignment has already come out! Econ again..omg..the question really damn damn hard..i really dunno how to start prepare for it..help me please==
haha..last week outing with him again..really enjoy the moment with him=D and thank you larh^^but it was really made the trouble to him...
Snow White and the huntsman really a quite nice movie recently^^but the ending not very good larh..
this Saturday was the BFF gathering..long times doesn't chat together already..miss the times we study and chat a lot of things together even the things is nonsense ..=D

becoz of some matter happend...i really can't trust anyone anymore..
It is really hard to find someone who can made me trust he or she 100%...
maybe..the only people i can trust is just myself...
