

真的要把这一天记录下来, 三年的大学生活终于结束了, 结束了assignment, mid-term, final 的日子, 心里真的轻松很多.今天老师没有到考场来,有那么一刻希望可以再见到Dr David, 他真的是三年来遇到最好的老师,虽然做final year project的时候难免一直埋怨他,不过回想过去他真的教会了我不少东西,蛮怀念听他说废话的时候. 真的很谢谢他!还有陪伴了我3年的那两位, 虽然我们有时会不爽对方,欺负对方,开对方玩笑,不过大学有你们的陪伴,一起做assignment,一起讨论吃什么,几点去学校什么的,让这三年成为了平凡中的不平凡 :)

假期正式开始!到了2月再开始人生新的一页,真正出社会去体会, 希望到时可以学到从来没有学过的,遇到没有遇过的事情,给自己成长. 是时候长大了.

PS: 还没考完试的,继续努力加油!不要放弃 :)



11月,我最喜欢的月份,为什么过得那么快?记忆还停留在生日那一天,但其实也已经过了3个星期... 这个月发生很多事,最重要的我的thesis 终于完成了,回想起过去的6个月,我应该奖励下自己...还有等到了等了很久的机会,结果是怎样就不去想了,下个星期自然就会知道,但很开心得到那样的经验 :) 也来到了我最不想面对的时候...剩下最后的两科考试,一个个人presentation, 我的大学就这样平平淡淡的结束了...看见很多同学都对大学上课的最后一天感到不舍,纷纷拍照留念,但是我就没有那样, 或许那时压力已经把这种不舍的心情给掩盖过了吧...很久没有更新了,也因为它的回归,我不得不来打字宣泄一下. 最后的两科,理应很有动力去准备,毕竟不知道以后还会不会再有机会进考场. 反之,我真的很不想去面对接下来的2个星期,时间可不可以停留下来?




珍惜眼前人, 今年第二次对自己说
这一年到底是怎么了? 不如意的事情接二连三得发生.



What a stupid action, ruined up everything. Tried to pretend nothing and be generous, ended up lead to a situation who everyone never hope to face. 
All is fault of the idiot,
she is such an idiot.



Finally, one month holiday came to the end. Went back to school on yesterday, the routine, the uni, the people, and the works. Tones of works are waiting for me to complete and yea, the last semester in my university life. I have no idea how I passed through all the obstacles on the past 2 and half year, done with total of 28 subjects, should give myself a "thumb up" right...haha, and now left two core subjects and thesis, the most torturing thesis. Till now, I'm now scratching my head and keep amending on my Chapter 2, I can't imagine whether I can finish all the chapters on time, but I will just try my best to do it. Most importantly, hope you can treat me and guide me well dr! :) and cheers! To the upcoming 14 weeks. Hope I can learn a lot of things and gain some fresh experience through this semester.

By the way, spent my one month holiday to the max and enjoy it so much! One day trip with the gang and my boyfriend. It was so glad to spend the holiday with him, since he was having his semester break on last month as well :) Met him more than one time in a week, for us who lives so far with each other, everytime we met each other is just like a bonus. Besides, I can graduate with him on the same time (the end of December) too although we are from different uni. *simple happiness* :)

Recently have been addicted to do some online shopping especially for some skin care products as it's relatively cheaper than the price we get from those shops like watson, guardian bla bla bla. And, it's normally just take 2 working days to receive my parcel, super high efficiency ! I fall in love to the feeling of receive and sign for the parcel from postman and unpacking the parcel :D LOL super weird right, haha. Plus, we can read all the feedback through the website and get the opportunity to know about the usefulness of the products. So, a lot of advantages can obtain from doing online shopping, but have to find a reliable online shop larh.

Finished my non-sense updated and now back to the hug of thesis -.-



Thanks for purposely write this just to encourage me not be defeated by the worst thing
Maybe just like what he said, everything is happened for some reasons
I should not give up just because of that little tiny mistakes
Outcome is not the most important 
I have learned more things from it
This is life
I should stand up and keep moving :)
nothing can beat me down right
Happy one month holiday :)
Fight for the graduation project

Thanks for always stand by my side no matter how bad am I